domingo, 16 de noviembre de 2014

Sherlock ( by Cristina Nieto 1º D Bachillerato )

For how long has Sherlock Holmes existed? Since Arthur Conan-Doyle created him in his books, he has become of the most famous book characters in the world. Many books have been written about him and also a lot of films have been made but not a single show based on him. Well, not until now. BBC has just released its new show based on Arthur Conan-Doyle: Sherlock.

Each episode will be based on each of Arthur Conan-Doyle’s stories but, at the same time, there will be a mistery around Sherlock’s character that we will discover as the show progresses. It is a very innovative project as they have modernized the crimes and have transformed them into misteries that could actually happen in the 21st century. The acting is really impressive even though Sherlock is a difficult character to act as because of his personality. One particular strength of the show is its music. They have chosen the perfect style of music and the right moments to play it.

I would highly recommend it to anyone interested in crime and mistery. It is a definite must-see.

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